Fall Feelings Playlist

Cool mornings. Crisp afternoons. Crunchy leaves. And, sometimes sideways blowing rain. Its all part of the inevitable season of change, right?

It's October 1st and we are officially into the meat of FALL. I've settled into a steaming cup of tea with wool slippers on my feet as I write this. We're slowing down from the frenzied pace of summer. Here in Alaska, tourists have filed back onto boats headed south and the streets feel quiet and sleepy again. We're trading long evenings cleaning fish, tending garden, squeezing out one last hike before dark for cozy candle lit dinners, netflix binges, and earlier bedtimes. Mushrooms are pushing forth from rain-soaked rotten logs. The fireweed has long blown its snowy seeds into the wind, and the rosehips are ripe for the picking.


mushrooms in the forest

We've just inched a toe over the tipping point of equal light and darkness in the northern hemisphere, and if you're like me, this season brings on a time of introspection. A softness. A richness. A long, slow exhale.

Perhaps it's time to tuck into a good book (lately I'm a sucker for most all of the recommendations on Reese Witherspoon's book club!), try your hand at a new craft or hobby, plan a weekly card night with your besties, stock up on your favorite bath ritual supplies, map out a fall foliage walking tour through your neighborhood, or start re-watching all of the Harry Potter movies.

Calm balm with tea and a good book

Whatever your pleasure to ease into the changing season, I've created a playlist to match the mood of grey skies, bright foliage, and cozy feels. The perfect soundtrack for knitting your new winter hat, playing spades with friends, or a hot date with the bathtub, wine, and face mask.

Happy fall friends!

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